Transgender Day of Remembrance to honour the lives of trans and gender-diverse people who have been murdered

Every year on November 20, we mark Transgender Day of Remembrance to honour the lives of trans and gender-diverse people who have been murdered in the past 12 months. It is a day to draw attention to the continued violence endured by transgender people.

Activist movements throughout the world on this day remember the events of the past, hoping that will not be repeated. Regretfully, we would like to emphasize that the number of murdered transgender people worldwide is growing. From October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019, 331 transgender homicides have been reported, which means 3314 murders of hate in 74 countries, in 2018, some of them done in extremely cruel and brutal ways. Transgender people who work as sex workers are at a high risk imposed by non-inclusive social policies and practices. We explicitly urge citizens, activists, institutions to do everything in their power to stop this trend! The trans movement in Macedonia is growing and strengthening, and we refuse to be targeted, we refuse to be victims!

To mark Transgender Day of Remembrance, TransFormA – Initiative for protection and promotion of the rights of transgender people in the Republic of North Macedonia, is organizing an event dedicated to the memory of Laura Feer, as the first activist for transgender rights and sex workers’ rights. Laura is not with us, but the memory of her and her contribution remains. In her honour, we will be reminded of her through photos, sounds, and objects and leave behind a firm determination that we will not forget what she has been done for transgender people and sex workers, and what she has advocated for. The event will be held in the Public Room in Skopje, starting at 8 pm.