“HIV AND GENDER” is a document prepared by the community of transgender people in the Republic of North Macedonia, after determining the needs and problems of transgender people.
STAR – The First Sex Workers Collective in the Balkans in collaboration with TransFormA – The Initiative for Support and Promotion of the Rights of Transgender People in the Republic of North Macedonia conducted a survey among transgender people regarding their needs and problems regarding HIV-related issues and access to social, legal and health services. The whole evaluating process was done by organizing an online focus group with participation of 8 transgender people who openly discussed their needs and problems, according to a previously determined questionnaire. From the analysis obtained from the research, a document “HIV and GENDER” was prepared – a document on the demands and needs of transgender people in relation to HIV prevention in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The Paper of Transgender Demands was presented in front of members of the Platform for Sustainability of HIV Services, the National HIV Commission, and civil society organizations implementing HIV prevention programs among sex workers, including transgender people.
Some of the demands of transgender people within our Paper of Transgender Demands:
– Legal gender recognition of transgender people in North Macedonia
– Implementation and enforcement of anti-discrimination laws in North Macedonia
– Policy makers working with the NGOs in confronting stigma and discrimination against transgender people.
– Supply of condoms and lubricants for transgender people through the services of civil society organizations.
– Easier access to PrEP as an additional intervention in the comprehensive HIV prevention package for transgender women and men.
– Еqual access to HIV care and treatment for transgender people.
The document “HIV AND GENDER” is available in English and it can be read/download here:
This activity is within the frame of our project „Gender and HIV – Enhanced Transgender-Specific HIV Programming in North Macedonia“.
This project is funded by EKHN in the framework of „Gender and HIV grants“.