Executive Summary
Sex work is a voluntary sale of sexual services for money or other material goods between consenting adults. It includes activities of direct physical contact at different scenes (outdoor and indoor), as well as including offering escort services, erotic phone and cam services, pornography, striptease, and online sex services. A sex worker can be a male, female or a transgender individual.
In the Republic of North Macedonia there are no specific laws regulating sex work. Performing activity related to sex work is considered as a violation of public order and peace: “Whoever engages in prostitution, as well as rents or makes available premises for prostitution will be fined in the amount of 600 to 800 Euros, while some other activities related to sex work (incitement, encouragement, earning from mediation for sexual services) are treated and punished as crimes ”. These are part of a series of selective laws that affect the dignity and human rights of sex workers, increase violence and stigmatization, and create distrust of the institutions.
The Training Module on Sex Work, HIV and Human Rights is only available in Macedonian language HERE.