Upon 10 years of its existence STAR presents itself with a brand new visual identity

Within the frames of its 10-year jubilee working in the field of protection and improvement of sex workers’ healthcare and social welfare rights in this country, we have been simultaneously developing and improving our brand identity. Ten years later, we are recognized as the founders of the First Sex Workers Collective in the Balkans.

In the first half of this year, we were working on the process of organizational rebranding by means of developing a new visual identity comprised by a set of visual elements, precisely created to reflect what STAR represents nowadays. By creating a unique organizational identity we help the public recognize our efforts and aspirations that are solely aimed at helping the community that the vast majority of STAR members represent.

Instead of coming up with an entirely new logo, we have decided to alter its environment. In this way, we have remained faithful to the red umbrella as a quintessential symbol of sex work. STAR’s new logo features the red umbrella which symbolizes the resistance against violence on sex workers.  Sheltered under the umbrella, the contours of the map of the Balkans drop down, and the visual identity of the organization is an integral part of the logo the First Sex Workers Collective in the Balkansby which we are predominantly recognized as an organization.


 STAR logo – Macedonian version

STAR logo – English version


In the process of organizational rebranding, STAR defined the media package for its visual identity, including standardized letter font for all documents, publications, research and journalistic articles, official and unofficial materials issued by the organization, as well as designing business cards, web page and printed promotion materials.

The visualization of these components represents an essential segment of our brand in order to increase the organization’s visibility on both a national and international scale.

Our visual identity is in actual fact an embodiment of what STAR actually stands for, and it also impacts the appearance and the chord we attempt to strike as well. As long as we are dedicated and consistent when it comes to its use, we can collectively improve the quality of our work, engage in unambiguous and precise communication, and most importantly we can proudly disseminate our values.

We are sending our warmest regards and gratitude for the support you have been giving us throughout our growth and development, helping us immensely to reach where we could not have on our own.

The process of building STAR’s new visual identity is aided and supported by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.