Training on digital security and human rights threats response in the digital age (30.11.2023-02.11.2023)

In order to develop holistic awareness and approaches on human rights protection in the digital age, for the management and leaderships structures of the only sex workers led organization in North Macedonia, Association for Support of Marginalized Workers STAR-STAR Skopje held a two-day training in the period from 30.11.2023 to 02.11.2023 on digital security and human rights threats response in the digital age at Hotel Aurora Resort & Spa, Berovo.

Eight (8) organization representatives from the management and leadership of STAR-STAR Skopje, attended the training, and developed skills to mitigate human rights threats in the digital age, which will then be transferred to the sex workers community in Skopje and the region.

This activity is conducted within the frames of the project Sex workers’ resilience in the digital age, with the support of the Hivos Foundation, through the Digital Defenders Partnership grant mechanism (DDP).

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